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We are a Union of a non profit organization that needs support for our cause to fight for the rights of our airline workers. We have been operating without solid funds as airline companies have ign ... Read more

Persatuan Gerakan Amal Bersama - GRAB

GRAB berhasrat menjadi sebuah persatuan yang bersistematik serta menpunyai objektif  yang berlandaskan kerja amal. Mensasarkan golongan, fakir miskin, warga emas, ibu tunggal, pesakit - p ... Read more

Persatuan gerakan kebajikan negeri sembilan

Assalamualaikum ... semoga ramai yang dapat membantu sumbangan ikhlas ini .. dapat meringankan beban anak yatim asnaf dan yang memerlukan .. bersama-sama lah kita saling membantu insyallah di ... Read more

Persatuan Ibu Tunggal Shah Alam

Persatuan Ibu Tunggal Shah Alam (PITSA) adalah sebuah pertubuhan kebajikan. ... Read more

Persatuan Impian Malaysia

Impian Malaysia espouses the ideals of 'Malaysian Malaysia' “ a Malaysia for all regardless of gender, age, race and religion. We believe that by encouraging volunteerism and community involvement, we ... Read more

Persatuan Kebajikan Ceriajaya Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor (WeCareJourney)

Home-based physiotherapy will be organized by Persatuan Kebajikan Ceriajaya Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor. WeCareJourney is dedicated to the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), the number one g ... Read more

Persatuan Kebajikan Harapan Kuching

Hope Place is a non-governmental organisation, set up to help the needy and, underprivileged individuals and families by providing basic food aid as well as special food aid and medical equipment f ... Read more

Persatuan Kebajikan Transformasi Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur

Persatuan Kebajikan Transformasi Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur (PKT), a non-profit community organisation established in July 2019. PKT reaches out especially to the urban poor in the community regard ... Read more

Persatuan Kepolisan Komuniti Sarawak (Sarawak Community Policing Association)

We are a crime prevention advocacy group that operates in Sarawak. Our aim is to improve awareness within society of the actions that can be taken by everyone to improve public safety. Our motto is ... Read more


WECCAS adalah sebuah Badan Bukan Kerajaan atau Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) yang mendukung dasar kerajaan yang toleran ke arah memartabatkan nusa, bangsa dan negeri Sabah. WECCAS d ... Read more